Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year Celebration

Well, Happy New Year to all! I know it is a little late to be wishing everyone a Happy New Year, but better late than never.

New Year's Eve, we got together with a few families from our complex. We all decided to spend this evening doing something that the Chinese really enjoy doing. We decided to go and sing Karaoke. It would be family fun even for the youngest members. My Chinese teacher would join us and reserve a room at Haoledi Karaoke.

Haoledi is a very nice place to party with friends. Once you get your room, the next stop is the one stop shopping store. Here, you decide on what you will drink and what snacks you will eat during the night of partying. If you run out of food or drink, you can return for more. We decided on some chips, nuts, popcorn, fruit, cokes, a bottle of Johny Walker Black Label, and green tea to mix with the scotch.

Now its time to mix drinks and start singing! Our room was equipped with three microphones for our singing pleasure. My son had taken his PSP. He enjoyed the atmosphere so much that it was left in his jacket pocket and not used the whole night. He would sing and dance. There were Chinese songs, English songs, Spanish songs, and even some kids songs.

My Chinese teacher and her friend taught me and my wife a Chinese drinking game. We would all have a cup with five dice in the cup. We would each individually mix our dice up and then look at what we had. From what you had under your cup, you would try to determine how many of a certain number were in all the cups combined. The next person would either say their are more of the same number or more of a different number or disagree. In the case of disagreement, everyone would uncover their cups and we would count the dice. If there were at least the amount you said or more the person who did not believe you would have to drink. If the next person said there were more then the following person would have to disagree or determine if there were still more available of that number or any other number. It's little complex, but pretty fun.

Everyone enjoyed the evening and we will probably return sometime soon for some more singing fun. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera and have no pictures to show. Next time I will remember to take my camera!

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