Sunday I went to my first Chinese Wedding. It was a lunch wedding and I had no idea what to expect. I have learned to expect the unexpected at weddings and at least ask a few questions. Even in different parts of the same country, I wedding can be quite different. I had been to many weddings in Mexico in the state of Tamaulipas where at every evening wedding there is always dinner. When I attended my first wedding in the state of Chihuahua, my wife and I were waiting and waiting for the food to be served. We had not eaten any dinner and were starving. Finally, we asked when would dinner be served and everyone looked at us funny and said there was no dinner at the wedding. It turns out that in Chihuahua, unless specified, don't expect a meal.
I had asked my buddy who has been to several weddings what are the things that I must remember to do or not to do. There was only one rule to follow, don't eat or open any drinks until the reception starts. What an easy rule.
When we arrived, we took a photo with groom and his bride. We were all really happy to be invited and celebrate this special occasion with them. It was a new experience for us.
We were then taken to our seats for the banquet. On the table we had various cold dishes, soda, beer, Chinese wine, and cigarettes. The cigarettes are of the highest quality cigarettes in China.
The bride and groom would be presented, then the parents of the bride and groom wood be presented. Both fathers said a few words. I think some was in Chinese and some was in Korean. Both families come from northern China near Korea so there is a cultural influence from Korea. Then, a tea ceremony was performed. As I was told, the tea ceremony changes the way a parent is addressed once the bride and groom are married. Before they are married, the bride and groom address each others parents as auntie or uncle. After the tea ceremony they now address each others parents as mom or dad.
Then, the wedding picked up speed. The bride and groom exchange rings, the cake is cut, and champagne is poured. After these activities we began to partake of the celebration with eating and drinking.
After these ceremonies, the bride changed into the Korean traditional dress for wedding and some traditional dances were performed. Later, we would all have a toast with the happy couple drinking some of the Chinese wine.
It was a beautiful ceremony. I feel really special that my family was invited.
1 comment:
So glad to see these photos from this Chinese wedding ceremony. Keep sharing such fun posts dear. Well, I am doing preparations for Japanese wedding these days. One of my colleagues is tying wedding knot in next week at best wedding venues Los Angeles.
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