Just info for some of you bike enthusiasts, I now ride a Specialized Tarmac FACT Carbon bike with Shimano 105 components and an Ultegra Rear derailleur. Another interesting fact, the white rear water bottle was actually used in the Olympics by Carlos Coloma of Spain. Isaac picked it up as a souvenir at the Olympics.
The second transition also went well. I returned my bike, took off my helmet, and changed my shoes.
The second 10 km went real slow. My legs felt like bricks. The previous two hours of running and biking had taken their toll on my legs. I was pushing legs that no longer wanted to move. I could feel the pain. I was not alone. I would look at the faces of the other runners and see the same pain in their faces. Some had to walk, others would trot. I ran the last 10 km in 58:54.
Here I am reaching the end of the suffering. It feels good to see the finish line in site. It even feels better to have my son running beside me as I reach the finish line. It reminded me of near the end of the Houston Half Marathon in 2007. I was nearing the finish line and I was getting tired. My son, out of no where, started to run with me and cheer me on in Houston. It gave me that extra energy to pick up the pace and finish strong in Houston.
Family and friend support is very important in these long races. I could hear my wife cheering me on while I went speeding by on the bike. This type of cheering gives you the extra effort to keep it going, especially when the mind starts to tell the body it doesn't want to feel the pain anymore.
All the hard work for a little medal. No it's not gold, but it comes with the satisfaction of finishing the event. My unofficial Garmin time was 2:57:22. The results have not been posted, but I did sign my card after the finish and it was just about the same time.
The official photographer of this race was my dear and loving wife Sonia. She took really good pictures and has made this blog entry come to life.
The first day begin in the early morning, we entered the Xiling Gorge. Unfortunetly I slept through the entrance of this gorge, but heard it was magnificant. The Xiling Gorge is 66 km long and is home to the world famous Three Gorges Project. Our morning excursion was a visit to this project.
The Three Gorges project was done to harness the power of the Yangtze River. Its benefits include flood control, power generation, and navigation improvement. The project includes a dam, a spillway dam, two power plants, a double-way and five-step ship lock, a ship lift, and navigation facilities.
Another beautiful view in the Xiling Gorge.
The second day took us to the Shennong Xi River. It was in this river that trackers originally would fight the current and pull their pea pod boats upstream. Originally, these trackers would wear no clothes. The fabric would cause serious skin problems and irritations, so it was not used. Enclosed are two pictures of the trackers pulling us updtream and fighting the currents.